Red Pandas: The Less Famous but Much Cuter Name-Cousin of the Giant Panda

Seriously. So much cuter.

Baby Red Panda
Sorry Giant Panda, you are still definitely sillier though. You do get to be more endangered also, which is…uh, something? 

Red Pandas share with Giant Pandas (other than the name) a false thumb for stripping bamboo and…not much else. I don’t know why they call it a panda, it’s really closely related to weasels and raccoons and not to Giant Pandas at all. (Although at some point some biologists though it was a bear.)

I mean Red Pandas are "Vulnerable" (IUCN), but that's no "Critically Endangered" right? I don't know where I'm going with this.
I mean Red Pandas are “Vulnerable” (IUCN), but that’s no “Endangered” right? I don’t know where I’m going with this. Also, CUTENESS.
Red Panda on the Prowl
Red Panda Going on Down.

Fun Fact: Red Pandas can turn their ankles backwards while climbing down, which helps them descend head first swiftly. Who else can do that HUH?!? (The answer is squirrels).

Baby Red Panda Cutetastrophy Extraordinaire!
Baby Red Panda Cutetastrophy Extraordinaire!

This little girl is only a few months old and I can’t tell whether she is planning the terrible destruction of tasty plants here or just plain happy to be outside. (She was holed up in the den for a while, you know “babies”. Pfft.)

Nappin Panda
Night time nap time. Presumably he was slightly annoyed and surprised that there was still someone at the zoo.

Another Fun Fact: Red Pandas use their fabulous tails (see above) to balance whilst climbing. They also use them as blankets while sleeping (see above). This guy (Dusk) only lifted his tail  off his head to see what all the “oohing” and “aahing” noises were all about below, before promptly putting it back over his face and going back to sleep.

Red Panda Tail
Tail Shot!
Red Panda Climbs
Final Shot, indulging myself here,

Thanks for popping by, ta ta for now!

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